Everything you search for is already in your hands

Mantra & Mudra uses the body as a tool for introspection and inquiry into who you really are.

Where does Mantra & Mudra come from?

Mantra comes from Manas, the Mind, and Trayate, to cross over. The language of mudras or gestures in Indian theater is called Abhinaya, which means “to carry the meaning towards”. Mudras along with the vibration of the sound of Mantras give full potential of realizing the universal meaning the words carry.  

Mantra & Mudra is my intention to bring the expressive quality of Indian classical dance along with mantras from the yoga tradition. It celebrates the heart of wisdom distilled in mantras with the power of sound, hand gestures or mudras and drishti, the intention and focus of the gaze. 

What is a contemplative practice to me?

The intention of a contemplative practice is meeting You as your true self as “I” gets out of the way.

Yoga, Meditation, Chanting, Prayer are paths among others.

Practice, for me, is a tool for introspection, a celebration of life, breath, love, of what the body can and cannot do, of being human and having the mind-blowing possibility to realize the truth right now. 

Who is Mantra & Mudra for?

Anyone who is inspired and/or already committed to a contemplative practice and who question the deep meaning and goal of the practice. You will learn another language, visual, expressive and graceful, to celebrate words of truth. You don’t need any previous experience, only inspiration to use the body as a tool to dive into and be open to what unfolds. 

You don’t need a trained voice to chant but simple tools will be given to warm up and open the voice helping you to chant with more ease.

What are the benefits of the practice?

The benefits are immediate as you start to dedicate time to your self and be open to these ancient tools that point directly to your inner wisdom.  

Vibrations created by the sounds of mantras has a potent calming effect on the nervous system. One experiences more clarity, feels more grounded as the internal circulation, focus, alignment and coordination improves. While repeating and understanding the mantras, self imposed limitations tend to soften and eventually surrender totally, leaving you at peace. The thought process becomes less polarised and more unified to the truth you are.

You get acquainted to a place which has never been touched by the noise of life. 

From that space, whatever you are engaged with in your personal life flows with more grace and less effort. What is important to you might shift towards nurturing that place of great simplicity and sacred sanity. 

The 28 single hand gestures or Asamyuta hasta are the different forms one learn to give a visual shape to words.

As you learn the language, you find new coordination and articulation of the hand which become an expressive embodied tool to celebrate words of wisdom.

Taste of Mantra & Mudra


Mantra & Mudra in Nice, may 2021

Lokāh samastāh sukhino bhavantu

May all beings be happy and free