How to tap into the peace ever present?
You are exhausted to waver between highs and lows, to run after desired states and juggle to stabilize the mind that by nature is bound to fluctuate.
You have a baggage of practices that have helped you center and embrace changes but you still feel you are not in control and can be easily overwhelmed by the challenges of life.
You have the ability to pause in the midst of the storm and discriminate what’s real.
5 ways to connect to the peace you are.
Movement practice that draws you inward and connects to the place never moved by the noise of life.
Silent sitting that doesn’t require any technique apart from listening, observing, contemplating, non grasping the thoughts arising.
Combination of both? movement and stillness so you come in contact with the place from where silence and motion arise.
Following pointers that come from that place. Words of wisdom that point directly to the truth. Chanting those words and understanding their meaning, their message sink in and burn the limitations you have that cover it.
Inquire about the origin of the thought. You might notice that just giving attention to them makes them real.
You don’t need to do a lifelong practice and purify body and mind to be free.
You don’t need to transcend your mind and trans-form the body to be the peace you are.
Discriminating what’s real is the key.
Are you willing to connect with the peace that is ever present within you?