The primordial addiction
When the spiral of addiction kicks in and it seems a never ending journey
Every attempt to stop, a failure, and every little success, the beginning of another wave
Life and light are veiled because it’s a pretty dark space inside and not even the closed ones are aware of the cave you are living in. Avoidance and escape become your hidden language
Addiction to work, to non smoking, to conspiracy theory, to vegan food...
Any addiction big or small reveals a deep longing to be home, a yearning to be free, at peace, always
The primordial addiction is the addiction to the mind and every human being is on the same boat
Everyone will be conscious of it one day or the other because this is the root cause of it all
The mind won’t stop talking unless you don’t pay attention to this rumbling old marmelade
Otherwise you are constantly feeding the moldy sticky spread
When you switch off the fan it still spins for a while until it finally stops
This “ for a little while” might seem an eternity and all the hope and efforts pointless, but unless you trust it is bound to stop, the loud circus will continue to overtake your stage
Your scene is in reality a free canevas for your unique composition to take place
Thoughts are inner sounds
If you can start replacing the thought by the vibration of a sound
A sound that can cut through the noise and has an echo you don’t even need to know or understand
The echo of the sound in you, through you, beyond you is like a ripple that has a butterfly effect you can’t even measure
The sacred sounds or mantras don’t necessarily need to be explained or understood
In the listening, thoughts subside
Repetition is the key. Make it your sacred ritual that has the power to uncover the truth you are
In this understanding no thought can overpower you or not for long because you are familiar with the space untouched by the noise of life
Your original voice can finally be heard because the scraping sound that was covering it is gone
Do you want to uncover your unique sound?
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
May all beings be happy and free